What We Do To Protect The Environment

Every decision we make affects the planet, so we work tirelessly to minimise our impact and reduce our carbon footprint. We are committed to protecting the environment and making a difference:

Water recycling

Our trade effluent is treated on-site, recycled where possible, and removed by effluent carriers. Wastewater is recycled to be used again for as many products as possible, limiting the risk of entering the sewerage system. All water is filtered and treated.

Saving energy

Our factory has implemented various energy-saving measures to reduce traditional energy usage. Recent projects that we’ve been proud to be part of include upgrading our factory lights to LED lighting.

Waste reduction

Reducing the amount of waste we produce is integral to our on-site daily operations. We separate all waste, including plastic and cardboard, which is bailed on-site and removed by waste carriers to be recycled off-site.

Conforming To International Standards

At Assured Solutions, we have been working towards and have achieved the ISO 14001 standard, which sets out the criteria for an environmental management system. Our staff work tirelessly to map out a practical environmental framework for our business processes

We review our processes annually to maintain certification and ensure the management and team are adhering to the best environmental practices laid out in our strategy. We are also ISO 9001 certified and a member of JOSCAR and the British Association of Chemical Suppliers.


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